Biblioteka Instytutu Północnego w Olsztynie

Stosunki Rosja - NATO przed i po 11 września = Relations between Russia and NATO before and after the 11th of September / [Marek Menkiszak]. Dążenia Litwy, Łotwy i Estonii do integracji z NATO i UE a stosunki tych krajów z Rosją = Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia's aspirations to integrate with NATO and the EU in the context of these countries' relations with Russia / [Joanna Hyndle, Miryna Kutysz ; tł. Justyna Kubica, Izabela Zygmunt, Christian Swindells] ; Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich.

By: Menkiszak, MarekContributor(s): Hyndle-Hussein, Joanna | Kutysz, Miryna | Ośrodek Studiów WschodnichMaterial type: TextTextLanguage: Polish, English Series: Publication details: Warszawa : Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia, 2002Description: 60 s. ; 30 cmOther title: Relations between Russia and NATO before and after the 11th of September | Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia's aspirations to integrate with NATO and the EU in the context of these countries' relations with RussiaSubject(s): Nauki polityczne -- Rosja -- 20 w | NATO | Stosunki międzynarodowe
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